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Sam Kennedy

Hello. It's been awhile. And that's a good thing. I've been getting work done. On my projects, and on myself. Life forever propels us forward, so we have no choice but to change. It's how we change that matters. Choose our sacrifices. Shape our being.

Junicka Valley

The big update! For a big book! So big in fact that I've decided to split it into three volumes. I just finished editing what will be the first book. It will be published in 2022, with the following volumes coming shortly after. They will be published separately as paperbacks, and once all three are finished, I will be releasing an omnibus hardback copy. (And possibly an omnibus paperback version as well.)

The single volumes I will publish with my own funds, but the complete edition I will most likely be crowdfunding along with additional promotional material. Should be fun!

Writing the book has been an immense exploration of why it is that I write. For starters, it's a means to express creativity, which is essential to my life. (I could write a whole post about that! And I probably will some day.) But beyond mere expression, it allows me to dive deeper into my own life and reality. To write you have to expertly convey the details of an imaginary world inside your head, and what better way to do that than to study the real world in which you live. As my writing skills grow, so does my ability to find awareness and wisdom in life.

It also allows me to examine and develop ideas and concepts about the nature of being and the human condition. That part sometimes feels a little out of my hands, which is what I find so attractive about it. I come to story with a theme or concept, but the answer to that is born not out of my own mind but by the story itself.

So, all in all, the progress of Junicka Valley is looking good. It's been a love-hate roller coaster ride for the last five or six years, and I'm beyond happy to see it nearing completion. Both because I'm excited to see it finally existing as a real work of art, but also because I'm ready to move onto something new!

Lock & Spell

The game is done! Now I'm just developing the theme, aesthetic, design, and fortunes. (Upon winning the game the player receives a unique fortune depending upon the outcome of their gameplay.) This may even include a name change for the game. Only time will tell. But I do know that it will be published in 2022 as well.

Getting Junicka Valley into print will be no problem at all. But Lock & Spell is going to be quite a huge learning process. There's a whole lot more that goes into production and distribution of a game rather than a book. I'll be sure to keep updates on it moving forward.

So there you have it. I'm going to wrap this post up before I start talking about my own life. I'll let my work tell that tale.




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