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Callisto is the creative arts imprint of Jupiter Valley Studios. We publish fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, comics, and interactive print—championing innovative works that explore the human experience through a speculative and experimental lens.



​It's summer in Junicka Valley, and life is getting strange. Two lonely brothers meet a girl with rainbow eyes. A man without meaning drifts through the chaos of his mind. A baseball star, abandoned to her rage, becomes friends with the impossible. An artist loses her soul, and along with it all that she holds dear. A detective, returning to the town he swore he'd never see again, investigates a murder that's just the beginning of what's to come.


Junicka Valley: Book One begins the story of a town drenched in the sunshine of a strange and deadly summer. It's the first book in a series of three, written by Sam Kennedy.


Check out the article below for more details about Junicka Valley's release and its history as a fledging book.​​ And be sure to subscribe to The Jupiter Club Newsletter to stay up to date with Junicka Valley News.

Junicka Valley A publication History


To write a history of a book that hasn't even been finished yet seems just a bit ridiculous. But nevertheless, Junicka Valley and I go way back, so it must be done. 


I started writing the story back in 2015, and over the course of five or six years I had nearly finished it. Unedited, it came in at around 800 pages. Instead of publishing a behemoth book by an unknown author, I decided to split the novel into three volumes and release them over the course of a few years. My intent was to slowly build a crowd, but back then I wasn't very good at being slow. I edited the first book far too quickly, then released it with little to no marketing. (Plus little to no confidence!) It goes without saying that it flopped, and I abandoned the rest of the story so I could focus on game design.


In 2025 I finally found the gumption to return that strange and eerie tale to finish it once and for all. It will still be released in three volumes, with a planned omnibus coming out once all is said and done. The first book is getting a a clean edit and being republished this year, with the following two books releasing thereafter.


Junicka Valley is an amazing story, and I'm excited to share it with everyone!

-Sam Kennedy

© 2024 Jupiter Valley Studios    © 2023 Callisto

Indianapolis, Indiana USA. Publishing. Board Games, Books, Magazines, Art.


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